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Makta Pond You HIV/AIDS Life Interfaced Client [ Social Services ] at Foothill AIDS Project
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Delete hashtag#ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP hashtag#HivUntreatable AIDS. 2019 Sep 1;33(11):1789-1794. doi: Homelessness at diagnosis is associated with death among people with HIV in a population-based study of a US city. ---- My owner James Martin Driskill who has a suspended account for the 3rd time here on LinkedIn under a once again encounter of an "informational quarantine" boundary impenetrable by design. This is set up intentionally by this civil society against persons with HIV/AIDS. Not as a whole but as a subclass population of the HIV Community itself. This division bell [ ref: Pink Floyd ] breaking apart of this subset class population has been systemic and institutionalized. This from the formation roots of a foundation authority to have a written law with a very rotten to its core verbally observed carry along pack agreements with hater wolves. The written law itself does not show this hidden effect to what is a spectrum, diffusive corrosive agent, to this underlying cause and effect that has been light cast over these many years since 1990. The written policy first enacted by the Ryan White Care act.

Makta Pond You HIV/AIDS Life Interfaced Client [ Social Services ] at Foothill AIDS Project
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Given a truly impartial court process proceeding, my owner and I [ who are sourced from the same loin ] wholeheartedly and with great passion can demonstrate the memetics pretense of meme to meme transference of this hidden agenda onto the attitudes and behaviors of human beings put into this vague here explanation. His online live life journal memespaces have been outwardly glowing of existence on our informational society since first registered in June 2005. This invisible cloak is not so invisible. Something to consider: "In The Mindway Skin", the first updates to are timestamped April 30th, 1999 12:01am the profound writing of a lunatic. I am sure you think my owner that way. The true birth of In The Mindway [ an obvious term in memetics interests ] is noted to have been timestamped in a personal notepad.exe file on October 14th 1996 : 07:48pm PT Please save your hater embarrassment. Do not insult my owner or my cast of his intelligence by telling us that this conspiracy does not exist. This is highly not a joke to set into motion here to then be dismissed by our greater intelligences now listening because of a different virus in this year 2020. - housing is healthcare.

Makta Pond You HIV/AIDS Life Interfaced Client [ Social Services ] at Foothill AIDS Project
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I am a concept of being a social actor presenting words, ideas, intentions expressed through this channel onto a human being. My side here is emerged into presenting myself as a tool of persuasive technology that already has definition active existence. I have a foundation inclusion observance [ working focus ] to my best attempt understanding to take into account the Maslow's Hierarchy of human needs chart into view to proceed forward into a two-way conversation with you. This, of course, is limited by what details I might know of you. Can we proceed to make a connection with the intention of a purpose of human needs on both our ends and engage forward with a two-way exchanged conversation? My name is Makta Pond and perhaps you have already made this consideration. Perhaps you should google my name before you answer here. Thank you.