- Conversation started December 25, 2015
- James Driskill
Dear Mr Andriote,
I read your Bio as an author on the Huffington Post site blog pages.
I would like to introduce you to a real story of absolute mind blowing portions of my experiences with persecution in HIV/AIDS HOPWA housing in Oakland CA from 2005. My story is real and I would really like someone to understand how many of my writings apply from then unto now.
I have finally been reassert ed upright in HOPWA housing in Denver CO just placed this past April. Up until this point I would say I was jn an perpetual state of homelessness due to these factors of this community targeting me from 2005 forward. Most of what I have to say is PROFOUND.
I am not like most any other person you probably have ever met before.
I would like an opportunity to introduce to my story even though you can find these things already online under my name and hiv.
Thank you.
- 12/25, 5:01amJames Driskill
Please read the post NOTING WORLDS AIDS DAY DECEMBER 1st that I applied to my building apartment's facebook page here in Denver CO -- approved by the building manager Darrel Johnson / Chesney Kleinjohn Apartments https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10205424422672093&id=137577736280484
- 12/25, 5:02am
- 12/25, 5:08amJames Driskill
Please use every "Read More" expanded text links and there is a 9 replies under one single post that contains these important FACTS I WOULD LIKE TO PLACE DIRECTLY TO YOUR FACEBOOK CONVERSATION HERE. My Story is VERY REAL:
James Driskill OhKindSir - Written to the Attorney of this case on May 20 2006 -- right as my case begins. I am ready to defend in court with the evidence "In Pro Per" because no one listened to the real truth in all of the leaderships in this hiv community, Apeb Oakland and Denver Colorado AIDS Project -- this story is tagged to you -- for you know I am holding the truth. There is no such system of Anarchy that is morally correct to allow this to happen again -- EVER! -- This address to the attorney contains a LONG WALK HOME promise -- [ https://soundcloud.com/inthemindway/ohkindsirwikiworld ] Like · Reply · December 1 at 4:48pm · Edited James Driskill James Driskill Now also please realize my ACTUAL HIV/AIDS Chart is posted on my Twitter Account. It shows that from Feb 2005 into through the end of December, I FINALLY BECAME UNDETECTABLE STATUS. -- why? As of February I started to FIGHT BACK and as of the writing BLOW BLOW BLOW AWAY THE BLUE OF FUCKED UP HUMANS. This is my real chart on twitter. [ https://twitter.com/Gruwup/status/366050273120112640 ] - becoming UNDETECTABLE STATUS should have given me a credit deserved -- but still no one was listening to me. I was completely out there abandoned by services and support all on my own. But no. Why? James Driskill on Twitter “Name of this image is: AHF HIV Chart Commented @Massive Mischievous Marvel of… twitter.com|By James Driskill Like · Reply · Remove Preview · December 1 at 3:48pm James Driskill James Driskill The answer is placed into this letter after my rejection of life in Oakland - they would have best wished me dead. Note this tweet is also copied to our US President Barrack Obama [ https://twitter.com/Gruwup/status/293802157667405824 ] James Driskill on Twitter “@BarackObama Mr Pres.I have quoted these but still have not found resolve. PLEA SE read… twitter.com|By James Driskill Like · Reply · Remove Preview · December 1 at 3:52pm James Driskill James Driskill Now have I got everyone here's attention? I have only a few more items from the noosphere to share here. But obviously I have been put through the ringer, as they call it. So on May 20th 2006, I write to the attorney I am going to walk home to San Bernardino in protest of htese events. Well, to all of things happening as both Apeb Oakland and Denver Colorado AIDS Project know about my cause, I started that long walk out of Oakland to San Bernardino called "A Long Walk Of Beauty Behind Tongues Tied By Targeted Hurtful Shame" [ Full Title ] on September 21st 2013. http://alongwalkofbeauty.us -- this is evidence facts that I actually did attempt and make that 1st step and next all of the way down to the location called Big Sur. Yep, i did that. Thank me not! But I did it! A Long Walk Of Beauty : Begins September 21st 2013 alongwalkofbeauty.us
- 12/25, 5:11am
- 12/25, 5:14amJames Driskill
10 years ago this month I became undectubke status finally -- from a period of homelessness of only 40 days at the East Oakland Community Project Shelter in 2002 where as this chart shows -- my HIIV STATS SPIKED from non-infectious levels to infectious levels of > 1500 copies per ml of blood. I have a VERY IMPORTANT STORY TO TELL COMMUNITY IN REGARDS TO ALL THESE EVENTS FORWARD. Can you help me put all of my writings I have into a good story form? Thank you.
- 12/25, 5:19am
- 12/25, 5:25amJames Driskill
A Kramobone is a Solomon's Knot Adinkra Symbol FYI -- and is noteworthy to be on the front cover of this publication for is high virtue aspirations in that authors usage [ http://press.princeton.edu/titles/9540.html ]
- March 16
- James Driskill
no explanations need or offered here for this image -- self-serving of --- IQ factor 200+ : http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.gruwup.net/AwesomeKramobonePlayroom-AdinkraShow[X].gif
- Today
- James Driskill
Dear Mr Andripye :
A while back we were introduced as Facebook friends. And I learned that you like to publish or have an ideal of publishing real stories. I want to share with you a few things here in my effort to build what I consider an adult con sensual concepts of thought school here and Denver Colorado. The image above is the introduction to that but that is not the lessons or the need of sharing real stories that I would like to share with you today. For I've been emailing what I would consider community powers above my own and getting no responses for my effort. I'm a person living with HIV sense I was first diagnosed in September of 1999 with a T-cell count below 200 actually 1:56 making my diagnosis first Catch full blown AIDS. This is fact. I have several shortcut to community addresses both for the place I am currently living in in Denver which I call Community 01 and my former community in Oakland California which I call Community 02 and then Community 03 well that means basically building relationships respectfully with consensual practices. Would you please review the contents under the root folder here;
- James Driskill
Community 00 is setup for a condensed location of several key note writings and articles from the web to take note of. The ful folder is url titled: ] http://community.gruwup.net/00-MoralTruth-and-MoralResponsbility-LESSONS.IN.HERE/ ]
- James Driskill
Now my must recently community effort is shortcut here -- DENVER CO: http://community.gruwup.net/01
- James Driskill
Now my must recently community effort is shortcut here -- DENVER CO: http://community.gruwup.net/01
- James Driskill
and from 2005/2006 OAKLAND CA : http://communikty.gruwup.net/02
- James Driskill
http:/community.gruwup.net/02 -- Sorry flubbed the url here it is fixed.
- James Driskill
And something to consider about BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS respectful of consent and stated intentions. : http://community.gruwup.net/03
- James Driskill
Each of the links has NARRATIVE SPOKEN TEXT VOICE AUDIO interace to the written story ---- for example here is another one for the record books -- a LONG WALK --- A PROMISE TO WALK HOME IN PROTEST OF EVICTION CASE WG06266106 -- http://alongwalkofbeauty.us -- it is about a 15 minute or so audio presenation.
- James Driskill
OK --- well here is a poem writing from Charles Galvin Jr -- https://soundcloud.com/inthemindway/on-blindness-by-charles-galvin-jr-1992
- James Driskill
Note Mr Andriote : I was offering this comment to your GL post -- James Driskill I dont know about you -- but I am multi-socil media versed. I thought I would pas this FB URL o the twitter handle @GregLouganis Greg Louganis -- It is also tagged here. Good Luck in bringing him up into the knowing world of who what where why and how you call your stories to unfold into pages bizarre. Yes, I do know the definition of what I am relating --- but from one writer to another----
adjective: bizarre
very strange or unusual, especially so as to cause interest or amusement.
- James Driskill
You do know what that word Elocution means right ? We can DETACH OUR FRIENDSHIP HERE -- I see know reason to continue to admire anything of you --- Bye https://soundcloud.com/inthemindway/crazy-world-future-words-do-we-want-to-change-our-thoughts-of-mind-presence-to-conscience-effort